HSE Policy

To perform works in accordance with customer conditions, laws and other conditions on environmental and labor health and safety issues,
To carry out works related to the prevention of environmental and occupational accidents before happening through collective or personal protection methods if it is not possible to reduce or prevent the danger at the source by taking measures according to the source and medium,
To review continuously the HSE management system and take major environmental aspects and risks under control,
To ensure the recycling and reuse of wastes when it is impossible to minimize them, and to dispose the wastes that can’t be recycled with appropriate methods,
To ensure the adoption of HSE conscientious by our all employees, to provide participation and to conduct necessary training and awareness activities in an effort to raise awareness.
Our entire staff are obliged to improve continuously the security of work environments, to improve the environment and to join activities for the purpose of achievement of HSE policies and goals being aware of HSE responsibilities.
Health, Safety and Environment is a process for our company required to be constant and be developed continuously rather than a target that will be reached.
Nil Petrol will provide ‘continuous improvement, development and growth’ by reviewing the appropriateness of system conditions in accordance with HSE goals and policies, customer satisfaction and legal obligations.